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- BUSINESS, Page 36That's a Reach, Sir JamesThe raider springs a daring $21 billion bid for B.A.T
- British investors have long resisted highly leveraged buyouts,
- looking at them as a woolly American phenomenon -- interesting at
- a distance but unacceptable at close range. Last week Sir James
- Goldsmith forced them to take another look by launching a surprise
- $21 billion hostile bid for B.A.T Industries (1988 revenues: $29
- billion). Backed by investors Kerry Packer, the Australian
- industrialist, and Jacob Rothschild, the British financier,
- Goldsmith plans to break up the sprawling London-based conglomerate
- and "liberate" far-flung divisions that sell everything from
- cigarettes (Kool, Viceroy) to insurance in more than 40 countries.
- Even in a European marketplace aswarm with mergers and
- takeovers in anticipation of the lowering of national barriers in
- 1992, the B.A.T deal would be worth two-thirds the total value of
- the 898 European mergers and acquisitions carried out in the first
- half of this year. It would rank second only to last year's $25
- billion takeover of RJR Nabisco by the LBO firm Kohlberg Kravis
- Roberts.
- To pull off the deal, Goldsmith and his partners propose to
- borrow nearly $17 billion. Drexel Burnham Lambert will raise $6.4
- billion through a junk-bond issue, and Bankers Trust will assemble
- a consortium of banks to provide the rest. Yet B.A.T investors
- would get no cash for their 1.5 billion shares. Instead, Goldsmith
- and his partners, bidding through a company called Hoylake
- Investments, would pay B.A.T shareholders a combination of Hoylake
- stock and loan chits worth $13.82 a share (B.A.T stock was trading
- at 11.28 in London before the deal was announced). Hoylake would
- pay down the debts by selling off B.A.T's retailing and finance
- holdings.
- Co-founded in 1902 by North Carolina tobacco mogul James Duke,
- the company, formerly known as British American Tobacco, has
- diversified in much the same pattern as have R.J. Reynolds and
- Philip Morris. As growth in cigarette sales softened, B.A.T
- branched into retailing during the 1970s, taking over such chains
- as Saks Fifth Avenue and Marshall Field in the U.S. and Jewellers
- Guild shops in Britain. The company capped a move into finance last
- December with the $5 billion takeover of Los Angeles-based Farmers
- Insurance.
- B.A.T immediately slapped down last week's bid. Chairman
- Patrick Sheehy described the offer as "no more than an
- ill-conceived attempt at destructive financial engineering,"
- designed to give the raiders a quick payout by stripping the
- company's assets. London investors questioned the feasibility of
- Goldsmith's financing, while corporate chieftains feared he might
- set off a rash of leveraged takeover raids.
- Goldsmith maintains that B.A.T shareholders would be better off
- if the company were to refocus on the high-profit tobacco business,
- which is experiencing new growth in Asia and other overseas
- markets. A veteran conglomerate-buster who served as the model for
- the swashbuckling Sir Larry Wildman in the 1987 film Wall Street,
- the 6-ft. 4-in. Goldsmith may have made his point all too well. Now
- that he has put B.A.T on the block, other raiders may try to top
- his offer. Or B.A.T may attempt to boost its stock price beyond his
- reach by launching a restructuring in which some of the company's
- juicy parts would be sold off. At week's end B.A.T shares closed
- at 14.21, indicating that investors expect an even sweeter offer
- to come.